Tuesday, October 28, 2014

My College Process + Advice for High School Seniors!

We all remember being in your shoes. A year ago today, I hadn’t even sent in the application to the school where I am today. Of course I had heard of it, but I honestly didn’t really think it would be a good fit for me. It didn't meet many of my "college checklist" requirements, which included: a small, private school, located on the East Coast, a closed campus in a large city. However, at the very last minute, I decided to apply to a program that was an incredible opportunity but, as I was told, was very possibly "out of reach". I submitted my application on October 30th, and that was that. To be honest, I never seriously considered my current school, and when the beginning of April rolled around, I found myself committed to a different school that was a thousand miles away and a completely different environment. The first two weeks of April, I stocked up my closet full of spiritwear, became BFFs with the girl who was to be my roommate, and excitedly stalked my future school on all forms of social media.

Then, on April 18th, I heard unexpected news that flipped the whole process upside down. Sitting in my 10th period Econ class, I recieved an email telling me I had gotten into the prestigious program at the school where I hadn’t really put much consideration.  I stepped foot on the campus of my school for the first time on April 19th. I never took a full tour or attended one of the info sessions, but on April 30th, I made the best decision of my life trusting that it was the best opportunity for me and my future.

Now, I am truly beginning to realize how right my decision was for me. To be completely honest, the first few weeks of college are difficult for everyone, and my experience was no different. But each day brings more and more happiness and love for my new home. I have met impressive people my age who are from all over the world, I have fallen in love with my sorority and my sisters, and I'm getting to learn from incredibly distinguished professors. If you told me 6 and a half months ago that I would be sitting at a dining hall in Ann Arbor, Michigan at this exact moment, I probably wouldn’t have believed you. But now that I am here, I know I am in my right place.

My first point in saying all this is to remind you that, as crazy and sometimes unfair the college process seems at times, you are going to find yourself at the school that will allow you to fit in well both academically and socially. You will find your right place. In my opinion, there is no formula for you to find your perfect college, and there isn’t just one type of school that is right for you. I ended up at a completely opposite school from my supposed “perfect formula” and I am incredibly happy and satisfied both socially and academically.

I know my next few sentences will sound cliche, but I really can’t stress how important they are, and I hope I can shed some positive light on a somewhat negative process. The decision process by colleges is somewhat ambiguous. It’s hard to accept, but there are so many factors completely out of your control that go into a college’s decision. DON’T let them get to you. It took reading five waitlist letters for me to finally believe it, but our generation is incredibly talented and diverse and intelligent, and the highly selective schools simply don’t have room for everybody that they’d love to take. That’s ok. Know that you WILL be commended for all of your hard work in high school, even if that doesn’t mean an acceptance into an Ivy League School. And also know that there is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with selecting a school that isn’t your parent’s alma mater, that gives you more money than a school ranked higher on U.S. News and World Report, or that you feel might be a better academic or social fit than a school that may otherwise be thought of as more selective. As cheesy as this sounds is, there truly is no one path to success.

For now, focus on making the most of your senior year! This year is going to come at you with a lot of grown-up decisions, but I promise you that it is the best year of your life. Have fun and make incredible memories with your friends! They (along with your parents) will be the people who hold you up as you navigate through the tough first few weeks of college. For now, submit your college applications and apply for scholarships and FAFSA. Other than that, try to put college out of your mind as much as possible. Focus on rocking out your academics your first semester (I PROMISE, you’ll want to. I truly believe my first semester grades played a big factor into getting into this incredible program)! 

There will be a lot of talk about college by both your peers and adults, but don’t let that get to you. There is no use in stressing once you press “submit.” Use the time before April 1st to make memories and try things you’ve never done before! Go to the final performance or Senior Night of a sport or club you’ve never been to before! Senior year is an incredible year when you finally let yourself open up to people you’ve never talked to before. You will feel closer to your class than you’ve ever felt. Enjoy it! You will see a lot of transition over the next year, but just take it day by day and live in the moment. I promise, it’ll be the best year of your life! :)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My Summer Journaling Inspiration

*warning: this post may be very sentimental and cheesy*

As another school year comes to a close, I can't help but reflect back on how much I've grown this year - within my friendships, as a student, and through the discovery of who I am right now and who I want to be in the future. I am so blessed and I could not be more grateful for the constant support I received from my friends, family, and teachers. I truly believe that this was one of the best years of my life! That's not to say I was completely free of struggles - I just learned different ways of handling them. Looking back, it would have been nice to have something to look through and read to inspire me when I was feeling lost or stressed.  

That's why this summer, I plan to document one piece of inspiration every night - be it a quote, lyric, or thought to remember - that I can look through in the future. I can't wait to have an amazing summer hanging out with friends and traveling all over the world. As I look forward to next year, it will be nice to be able to remind myself of these experiences that I hope to embody with this journal.

Months ago, I received this journal in the mail for my birthday from my amazing best friend Stephanie (check out her website/blog at http://pinkdjewelry.com/), and I knew right away I wanted to use it for something special, I just couldn't decide on what to write at the time. When I decided to journal this summer, I realized that this would be the perfect use for it! I can't wait to see what inspiration I come up with by the end of the summer, and it will be great having a reminder of my best friend with me throughout all my travels!

How do you plan on documenting your summer experiences?  

xo, Sarah :)

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Lipstick I'm Loving: Maybelline ColorSensational Vivid in "Shocking Coral"

 Hello beauties!

Memorial Day Weekend for me always highlights the kick-off to summer. It marks the beginning of fun-filled days of relaxing in the sunshine with friends and family! It's also my favorite season for clothes and fashion - I LOVE wearing bright colors and prints, rocking white dresses, and taking more risks in my make-up!

I've always been more of a conservative lipstick wearer, usually sticking to my staple light pinks and nudes while experimenting with color more on my eyes. However, when Maybelline released their new "ColorSensational Vivid" line, I couldn't resist trying out one of their beautifully pigmented and bright lipsticks perfect for summer.

The color I decided to try was "Shocking Coral" and from the moment I put it on, I knew it was my new favorite for summer! At first, I was shocked (get it? haha) by how bright and pigmented it was - the name "vivid" wasn't kidding! Being so fair, I usually don't like to wear colors that are so bright, but I found this lipstick to be very wearable. It may be a bit too bright for daytime classes or work, but it is perfect for a night out or formal event this season!

The formulation is also surprisingly very nourishing - it includes honey nectar as one of its ingredients! Because it is a lipstick, I wouldn't say it's "moisturizing" per say, but I loved how it prevented my lips from drying out like many other lipsticks I've tried. The honey nectar also helps add a hint of a sweet scent, which I loved!

The staying power is kind of what you would expect from a drugstore lipstick. Although I loved how perfect this lipstick looked with my dress and makeup look when I wore it on my prom night, I did have to reapply it. It did keep a bit of pigmentation throughout the night, but I reapplied it after eating and at other times during the night. 
                         "Shocking Coral," with flash                            "Shocking Coral," without flash

As with any other coral color, it is really difficult to capture on camera its true color. I have included two comparisons with both flash and without flash, but I'd definitely say that it's best representation is in the picture that I included above - from my prom night! :) 

                      "Shocking Coral," with flash                                   "Shocking Coral," without flash

Overall, this is one of my favorite products I've bought recently. It's DEFINITELY worth the price at most drugstores (around $5-$7)! I can't wait to try it in other colors! Which color do you want to try? 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Trend I'm Loving: Statement Necklaces!

If there's one fashion trend I've noticed recently, it's definitely the statement necklace trend. They're literally EVERYWHERE and I couldn't be more excited! 

As someone who has always been a big fan conservative and understated jewelry, I wasn't taken by this trend at first. However, when I was shopping with my sister for one of her sorority events, I instantly fell in love! And the best part of this trend? They come in any style/color/shape/price range you could ask for. I personally prefer buying fun and funky jewelry at more inexpensive stores just because I don't tend to wear them on a regular basis, but obviously that it is a matter of personal choice. I love how statement necklaces allow me to be colorful and bold, like my favorite necklace shown above from Forever 21 (around $12)! 

However, when wearing such a statement piece, it's important to remember that less really is more. The necklace should be the central focus of the outfit, so other accessories and outfit pieces should be kept relatively simple (especially avoid large earrings - they can be extremely distracting). I wore this necklace on New Years Eve with a black peplum blouse, darkwash jeans, a simple chain bracelet, gold stud earrings, and gold ballet flats, and this was the perfect combination to feature such a statement piece. 

Looking towards the spring, I have noticed tons of styles for statement necklaces, especially in bright, neon colors. Will you try out this fun trend?

P.S. Check out my Instagram Page :) @SarahLindsey1

Sunday, January 20, 2013

How I stay organized: My Lilly Pulitzer Agenda!

Hey there beauties! A few years ago, I made a New Year's resolution to "organize my life". This task can definitely seem daunting, but it has been one of the few resolutions I've managed to keep - for that year and beyond!

If you're like me, you love colors, patterns, and anything girly :) When I first decided to get an agenda, it didn't take me long to discover Lilly Pulitzer's line of cute, printed school supplies. I've been a huge Lilly Pulitzer fan my entire life (my mom used to dress my sister and I in matching Lilly dresses growing up!), so I went ahead and bought one of their "Small Agendas". 

The agenda I'm showing below is the one I bought for the 2012-2013 school year. It's in the print "Lilly's Pink Skip on It", which is one of my favorites that is available now (I love this print so much I also have a matching coffee travel mug in it). The size is 4-3/8" x 6-5/8", so it's fits perfectly into a handbag, purse, or backpack. They also have larger sizes, but I feel the small size is the most convenient for my life.

The agenda is so practical for its small size. Each month starts with a full month overview with important holidays, and then the following pages show breakdowns for each week of the month. Each date has 6 empty lines where you can write notes, appointments, or to-do lists. But my favorite part is that each month is printed with a different theme with cute sayings, pictures, and colors! I always get compliments from my friends about how cute my agenda is!  

The first few pages of the agenda has stickers you can use to decorate throughout the year, "Reasons for a Party" (a list of holidays), spaces to write contact numbers and addresses, as well as a few pages for notes. I use these note pages to write important to-do lists before vacations, inspirational quotes, as well as my summer and semester bucket lists! 

As a hyper-organized person, I color-code my agenda. I got a set of super-cheap and cute colored pens from Office Depot, and I assigned each color to a category. 


Overall, I love my agenda so much. I repurchase a new agenda from Lilly Pulitzer every year and it helps me stay so organized! For only $16, it's definitely worth it. It's available online from their website or select stores listed on their website. Stay beauteous! :) xoxo


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Christmas-y Coffee (without the calories)!

        One of my favorite things to do during the Christmas season is go to Starbucks with friends to spend time with great company, enjoy Starbucks's seasonal Christmas drinks and listen to music. Now, we all love their Peppermint Hot Chocolate and their Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha, but those are loaded with tons of fat, sugar, and calories (up to 500 calories for a Grande with whipped cream)! To avoid ending up like Santa at the end of the holiday season, I have found sneaky ways to enjoy holiday drinks without the calories :)

1. Starbucks Christmas Blend with Steamed Soy Topper and Sugar-Free Peppermint Syrup

        Yes, this is a mouthful to say, but its the easiest and lowest-calorie way to fake a peppermint latte. With only about 30 calories in a Grande, you still get everyone's favorite foamy bubbles from the steamed soy milk without the heavy fat of half-and-half or 2% milk. The sugar-free peppermint syrup adds the perfect amount of "Christmas" that blends nicely with their Christmas Blend coffee. Depending on how sweet you like your coffee (I definitely like mine sweet!), you can also add some Splenda or Truvia sweetener.

2. Starbucks Skinny Peppermint Mocha 

        This is also a great choice - it's the "healthy option" that they advertise for the Christmas season. With espresso, steamed non-fat milk, sugar free mocha syrup, and sugar free peppermint syrup. Plus, it only has 130 calories in a Grande. It has more milk in it than the drink I listed above, hence the larger amount of calories. However, it's still a great option for those who are watching their calories and it has a great authentic taste!

And for when you make coffee at home....

Grocery Stores - $3-4 for 32 oz. (about 63 servings)

        When I saw this in the grocery store, I got so excited! As much as I love Starbucks coffee, it can get really expensive to make into a habit. Every morning, I use CoffeeMate's Sugar Free Peppermint Mocha creamer in my coffee. Each serving (which is 1 tbsp - I usually use a little more because I like my coffee to be creamy), has no sugar (duh), 15 calories, and only 1 gram of fat. The verdict on the taste? Well, it's not amazing, but it leaves my coffee with at least a little hint of peppermint and for such low calories (and fat and sugar), I don't mind at all. I usually add a little Truvia to sweeten it up a bit.

Enjoy the wonderful season with family and friends :) Happy Holidays!

Friday, October 5, 2012

NOTD: OPI Bogota Blackberry

After spending a fabulous summer in Washington, DC, I am back in beautiful Chicago - and fall is here! I love sweater weather, warm boots, pumpkin spice lattes, and the colorful leaves! Last night, I decided to bring out my all-time favorite nail polish, OPI Bogota Blackberry. I love this color and I have so many memories wearing it :)

2 coats OPI Bogota Blackberry + 1 coat Seche Vite top coat
$8.50 at Ulta

It's a beautiful burgundy color with a microshimmer effect under light. When topped with a great top coat, it gives such a glossy and professional feel. The consistency is also great - it goes on even with the perfect "thickness" and no bubbles. Plus, it's perfect for any occasion. It's conservative enough for school or work, but also fun and dressy enough for a dinner, a party, or a night out! Looking ahead, it's also great for the holiday season because of its festive color. It's a definite staple in my collection and it will never go out of style :) 

Enjoy this beautiful season beauties! :)